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After the fall of civilisation due to the disastorous 'Last Stand' against the rogue android legions, humanity must scavenge for food and find new ways to live.

Team / Duration: 2 / 7 Weeks
Genre: FPS, Puzzle, Stealth
Focus: Level design
Role: Co-Level Designer & Layout Creator
Engine: UE4
Purpose: University BSc Project (2019)
Software Used: Unity, Adobe illustrator, Github (Source Control), Microsoft Office

The Brief

The brief was to create a post apocalyptic train station level set in winter. An additional requirement was that it needed to be based on an existing location and we needed to have primary source images.

As part of this project we were put into teams of 2 and in these duos we were to split the responsibilities between ourselves and take the project through the whitebox stage to asset placement. I was responsible for planning and drafting the main level layout, creating the level mechanics and assisting with the implementation of assets within the level.

All maps, layouts & mechanics in the level were created by my team mate & I.

Assets were taken from unreal asset store.


For the research we travelled into Manchester city centre and went to various train stations, at each station we captured images of the rails, the walls, shops, the paths, the platforms, the pipes, the stairs, the signs and anything else that we could use to help plan our train station layout.

After the research was finished, we decided to base our level on Piccadilly Station.


With our research conducted we had to create a design document to document the research we had done and to list the features that we would include within the level. Find it here:

The main gameplay was planned to conist of sneaking around the station and avoiding being seen by enemies and cameras.

There are also doors that need to be opened using keys that are found around the map.

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